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職種 客員教授
所属プロジェクト 分子細胞シグナリング解析プロジェクト
研究部門 真菌症研究部門
分野 臨床感染症分野
TEL 043-226-2494
FAX 043-226-2486
E-mail kawamoto[at]faculty.chiba-u.jp




  1. Cryptococcus neoformansの細胞周期制御機構解析
  2. Cryptococcus neoformansの低酸素シグナリング解析
  3. 病原真菌における一酸化窒素(NO)の生成機構と生理機能の解析
  4. 生体分解性抗菌ナノコロイド粒子の真菌成長抑制効果の解析


American Society for Microbiology, American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, International Society for Human and Animal Mycology, 日本医真菌学会、日本細菌学会、日本生化学会、日本分子生物学会、日本神経化学会、酵母細胞研究会、酵母遺伝学フォーラム


  1. 川本 進: 病原酵母クリプトコックスの低酸素ストレス応答. 細胞(特集「酸素生物学」)50(4): 44-47, 2018(ニューサイエンス社、東京).
  2. 川本 進: 病原真菌クリプトコックスの中枢神経親和性の機序の理解に向けて.NEUROINFECTION 23(1): 84-89, 2018.
  3. Matsumoto Y, Ishii M, Shimizu K, Kawamoto S, Sekimizu K: Silkworm infection model to evaluate antifungal drugs for Cryptococcosis. Medical Mycology Journal 58(4): E131-E137, 2017.
  4. Hagiwara D, Sakai K, Suzuki S, Umemura M, Nogawa T, Kato N, Osada H, Watanabe A, Kawamoto S, Gonoi T, Kamei K: Temperature during conidiation affects stress tolerance, pigmentation, and trypacidin accumulation in the conidia of the airborne pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. PLoS One, 12(5): e0177050, 2017.
  5. Toh-E A, Ohkusu M, Shimizu K, Takahashi-Nakaguchi A, Kawamoto S, Ishiwada N, Watanabe A, Kamei K: Putative orotate transporter of Cryptococcus neoformans, Oat1, is a member of the NCS1/PRT transporter super family and its loss causes attenuation of virulence. Curr Genet, 63:697-707, 2017.
  6. Hagiwara D, Miura D, Shimizu K, Paul S, Ohba A, Gonoi T, Watanabe A, Kamei K, Shintani T, Moye-Rowley WS, Kawamoto S, Gomi K: A novel Zn2-Cys6 transcription factor AtrR plays a key role in an azole resistance mechanism of Aspergillus fumigatus by co-regulating cyp51A and cdr1B expressions. PLoS Pathogens, 13(1):e1006096, 2017.
  7. Hagiwara D, Takahashi H, Kusuya Y, Kawamoto S, Kamei K, Gonoi T, Comparative transcriptome analysis revealing dormant conidia and germination associated genes in Aspergillus species: An essential role for AtfA in conidial dormancy. BMC Genomics, 17: 358-374, 2016.
  8. Kopecka M, Yamaguchi M, Kawamoto S: The effects of the F-actin inhibitor latrunculin A on the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Microbiology 161: 1348-1355, 2015.
  9. Stepanova AA, Vasilyeva NV, Yamaguchi M, Shimizu K, Kawamoto S: Electron microscopy of autopsy material from the human brain Cryptococcosis and AIDS. Problems in Medical Mycology 17: 35-40, 2015.
  10. Kopecká M, Yamaguchi M, Kawamoto S: The effects of F-actin inhibitor latrunculin A on pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus neoformans. Chemotherapy 60(3): 185-190, 2015.
  11. Toh-e A, Ohkusu M, Li H-M, Shimizu K, Takahashi-Nakaguchi A, Gonoi T, Kawamoto S, Kanesaki Y, Yoshikawa H, Nishizawa M: Identification of genes involved in the phosphate metabolism in Cryptococcus neoformans. Fugal Genet. Biol. 80: 19-30, 2015.
  12. Shimizu K, Nakagawa H, Hashimoto R, Hagiwara D, Onji Y, Asano K, Kawamoto S, Takahashi H, Yokoyama K, The α–oxoamine synthase gene fum8 is involved in fumonisin B2 biosynthesis in Aspergillus niger. Mycoscience 56(3): 301-308, 2015.
  13. Takahashi-Nakaguchi A,Muraosa Y, Hagiwara D, Sakai K, Toyotome T, Watanabe A, Kawamoto S, Kamei K, Gonoi T, Takahashi H: Genome sequence comparison of Aspergillus fumigatus strains isolated from patients with pulmonary aspergilloma and chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis. Med Mycol, 53(4): 353-360, 2015.
  14. Toh-e A, Ohkusu M, Shimizu K, Kawamoto S: Positional cloning in Cryptococcus neoformans and its application for identification and cloning of the gene encoding methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. Fungal Genet Biol 76: 70-7, 2015.
  15. Ueno K, Kinjo Y, Okubo Y, Aki K, Urai M, Kaneko Y, Shimizu K, Wang DN, Okawara A, Nara T, Ohkouchi K, Mizuguchi Y, Kawamoto S, Kamei K, Ohno H, Niki Y, Shibuya K, Miyazaki Y: Dendritic cell-based immunization ameliorates pulmonary infection with highly virulent Cryptococcus gattii. Infect Immun, 83(4): 1577-1586, 2015.
  16. Kopecká M, Yamaguchi M, Kawamoto S: The Effects of F-Actin Inhibitor Latrunculin A on Pathogenic Yeast Cryptococcus neoformans. Chemotherapy 60(3): 185-90, 2014.
  17. Moranova Z, Virtudazo E, Hricova K, Ohkusu M, Kawamoto S, Husickova V, Raclavsky V: The CRZ1/SP1-like gene links survival under limited aeration, cell integrity and biofilm formation in the pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus neoformans. Biomedical Papers 158(2): 212-220, 2014.
  18. Suganami A, Takase N, Sugiyama H, Virtudazo EV, Kawamoto S, Tamura Y: Structure based functional distinction between Cln1 and Cln2 depends on the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. J Proteomics Bioinformatics 7(5): 102-107, 2014.
  19. Urayama S-I, Fukuhara T, Moriyama H, Toh-e A, Kawamoto S: Heterologous expression of a gene of Magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 1 strain A disrupts growth of the human pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. Microbiol Immunol 58(5): 294–302, 2014.
  20. Shimizu K, Imanishi Y, Toh-e A, Uno J, Chibana H, Hull CM, Kawamoto S: Functional characterization of PMT2, encoding a protein-O-mannosyltransferase, in the human pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. Fung Genet Biol 69: 13-22, 2014.
  21. D Hagiwara, A Takahashi-Nakaguchi, T Toyotome, A Yoshimi, K Abe, K Kamei, T Gonoi, S Kawamoto: NikA/TcsC Histidine Kinase Is Involved 1 in Conidiation, Hyphal Morphology, and Responses to Osmotic Stress and Antifungal Chemicals in Aspergillus fumigates. PloS ONE 8: e80881 (2013)
  22. L Kozubowski, V Yadav, G Chatterjee, S Sridhar, M Yamaguchi, S Kawamoto , I Bose, J Heitman, S Kaustuv : Ordered kinetochore assembly in the human fungal pathogen basidiomycetous yeast Cryptococcus neoformans.  mBio 4(5) : e00614-13 (2013)
  23. M Kopecká, S Kawamoto, M Yamaguchi: A new F-actin structure in fungi: actin ring formation around the cell nucleus of Cryptococcus neoformans. Microscopy 62(2): 295–301 (2013)
  24. Y. Matsumoto, S. Miyazaki, D-H. Fukunaga, K. Shimizu, S. Kawamoto, K. Sekimizu: Quantitative evaluation of cryptococcal pathogenesis and antifungal drugs using a silkworm infection model with Cryptococcus neoformans. Journal of Applied Microbiology 112: 138-146 (2012)
  25. EV. Virtudazo, A. Suganami, Y. Tamura, S. Kawamoto: Towards understanding cell cycle control in Cryptococcus neoformans: Structure-function relationship of G1 and G1/S cyclins homologue CnCln1. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 416: 217-221 (2011)
  26. EV Virutudazo, S Kawamoto, M Ohkusu, S Aoki, M Sipiczki, K Takeo:The single Cdk1-G1 cyclin of Cryptococcus neoformans is not essential for cell cycle progression but has important roles in the proper commitment to DNA synthesis and bud emergence in this yeast. FEMS Yeast Research 10(5): 605-618 (2010)
  27. 川本 進:酵素を創る- 生物学的アプローチ - 細胞を用いたタンパク質合成:昆虫培養細胞・バキュロウイルスベクター発現系を用いたタンパク質合成「酵素利用技術大系~基礎・解析から改変・高機能化・産業利用まで」(小宮山真監修), エヌ・テイー・エス(東京), pp. 172-175 (2010)
  28. V Raclavsky, V Husickova, Z Moranova, M Ohkusu, O Fischer, J Precek, J Trtkova, K Takeo, S Kawamoto: Growth strategy of the pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus neoformans submerged culture under different cultivation formats. Folia Microbiologica 53(4): 349-352 (2009)
  29. V Raclavsky, J Pavlicek, R Novotny, Z Moranova, M Ohkusu, J Trtkova, K Takeo, S Kawamoto: Peculiar clusters of daughter cells oserved in Cryptococcus neoformans grown in sealed microtiter plates. Folia Microbiologica 53(4): 369-371 (2009) 
  30. T Takeuchi, G Ohtsuki, T Yoshida, M Fukaya, T Wainai, M Yamashita, Y Yamazaki, H Mori, K Sakimura, S Kawamoto, M Watanabe, T Hirano, M Mishina:Enhancement of both long-term depression induction and optokinetic response adaptation in mice lacking Delphilin. PLoS ONE, 3(5): e2297 (2008)
  31. R Ikeda, F Saito, M Matsuo, K. Kurokawa, K Sekimizu, M Yamaguchi, S Kawamoto: Contribution of the mannan backbone of cryptococcal glucuronoxylomannan and a glycolytic enzyme of Staphylococcus aureus to contact mediated killing of Cryptococcus neoformans.  Journal of Bacteriology 189(13): 4815-4826 (2007)
  32. T Sonoda, M Mochizuki, T Yamashita, K Watanabe-Kaneko, Y Miyagi, Y Shigeri, F Yazama,,K Okuda, S Kawamoto: Binding of glutamate receptor δ2 to its scaffold protein is regulated by PKA. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication 348: 748-752 (2006)
  33. 川本 進: 分子医真菌学の新展開 - Cryptococcus neoformans 研究を中心にして – 感染症学雑誌 80(1): 19-26 (2006)
  34. K Takeo, Y Ogura, E Virtudazo, V Raclavsky, S Kawamoto:Isolation of a CDC28 homologue from Cryptococcus neofoemans that is able to complement cdc28 temperature-sensitive mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  FEMS Yeast Research 4(7): 737-744(2004)
  35. 川本進、西野朋子、西野武士::タンパク質の高次構造決定:バキュロウイルス/昆虫細胞によるタンパク質発現と精製. “ゲノミクス・プロテオミクスの新展開 -生物情報の解析と応用-“ pp. 561-566, エヌ・テイ・エス(東京)(2004)
  36. 川本進, 宮城洋平:バキュロウイルス・昆虫細胞系での組換えタンパク質の発現と精製. タンパク質実験ノート(上):抽出と分離精製 pp. 180-189, 羊土社 (2004)
  37. K Takeo, M Ohkusu, S Kawamoto:Effects of growth temperature upshift on cell cycle progression in Cryptococcus neoformans. Mycoscience 44: 465-471 (2003)
  38. Y Miyagi, T Yamashita, M Fukaya, T Sonoda, T Okuno, K Yamada, M Watanabe, Y Nagashima, I Aoki, K Okuda, M Mishina, S Kawamoto:Delphilin: a novel PDZ- and formin homology-domain containing protein, which synaptically colocalizes and interacts with glutamate receptor δ2 subunit. Journal of Neuroscience 22: 803-814 (2002)
  39. 西野朋子、川本進、西野武士:バキュロウイルス、昆虫細胞系を用いた蛋白質の大量発現と精製法. “ポストシーケンスタンパク質実験法 (2)”, pp. 69-80, 東京化学同人(2002)
  40. K Okuda, S Kawamoto, J Fukushima:Cytokine and costimulatory factor- encoding plasmids as adjuvants for DNA vaccination. Methods in Molecular Medicine (Vol. 29:  “DNA Vaccines: Methods and Protocols”) pp. 197-204, Humana Press (2000)
  41. S Kawamoto, S Hattori, S Uchino, M Mishina, K Okuda:Expression of NMDA receptor channel subunit proteins using baculovirus and herpesvirus vectors. Methods in Molecular Biology (Vol. 128: ”NMDA Receptor Protocols”) pp. 19-32, Humana Press (1999)
  42. S Kawamoto, Y Shibano, J Fukushima, N Ishii, K Morihar. K Okuda :Site-directed mutagenesis of Glu-141 and His-223 in Pseudomonas aeruginosa elastase: catalytic activity, processing, and protective activity of the elastase against Pseudomonas infection. Infection and Immunity 61 : 1400-1405 (1993)
  43. Y Haraguchi, M Takiguchi, Y Amaya, S Kawamoto, I Matsuda, M. Mori:Molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence of cDNA for human liver arginase. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 84 : 412-415 (1987)
  44. S Kawamoto, Y Amaya, K Murakami, F.Tokunaga, S Iwanaga, K Kobayashi, T Saheki, S Kimura, M Mori:Complete nucleotide sequence of cDNA and deduced amino acid sequence of rat liver arginase. Journal of Biological Chemistry 262 : 6280-6283 (1987)
  45. 川本 進, 田中渥夫, 福井三郎: 酵母ペルオキシゾーム(マイクロボディ):構造, 機能およびその応用. 生化学 51 (9): 1009-1022 (1979)